[Max-Planck-Gesellshaft] [MPI-SWS]

Privacy Capsules


With digital distribution platforms (for instance, Google Play and Apple iTunes), users can choose 3th party applications among thousand options. However, many of these applications send/receive data to/from their remote service. The user might not have control over the data that is shared with the service provider. In some cases, the user does not even know about that.

As example, consider the Twitter mobile application. During the installation, it requires the permission to access both Internet and the user's contact list. However, it was noticed that the application secretly uploaded data from the contact list to the Twitter servers (see this for more information). After such episode became public, they changed the application to notify the user about the data sharing.

Our Solution

This project aims to provide solutions to prevent information leakage from 3th party applications by controlling the flow of information.

We propose an architectural solution based on a two-stage execution environment. In this solution, the application has two sequential states: unsealed (the initial state) and sealed (the final state). Once the application has changed to the sealed state, it can terminate but not go back to the unsealed state. The main idea is that the application has access to sensitive information (or generate sensitive information) only in the sealed mode, and it can communicate with 3th parties only in the unsealed mode.

All the data access is mediated by a trusted component like the kernel. In addition:

For more details about Privacy Capsules, please check out our paper at MobiSys'16.


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Our research is currently supported by the Max Planck Society and ERC imPACT project.
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